
Unity of command 2
Unity of command 2

unity of command 2

Speaking of Army and Corps HQs there's also a specialist support units layer that rewards attention, you have specialist assets such as heavy artillery, bridging units, combat engineers and the like which are not on-map counters but are attached, either to an Army/Corps HQ (in which case they *might* support a fight, if the HQ is within range) or a specific division (in which case they *will* support that division, but won't be available to other units). This strongly encourages you to keep your armies and panzer groups (of which the Axis has a half dozen or so per Army Group) together and you absolutely need to devote attention to your lines of communication and pushing your railheads forward. Supply and logistics are crucial, with spares, ammo, fuel and replacements flowing forward to army HQs, then being distributed out to subordinate Corps HQs and combat formations. There's an air-war layer which rewards engaging with, although you can set high level objectives and mostly ignore it. There are scenarios that focus on smaller operations (eg the AGN drive on Leningrad) but the game goes all the way up to the entire eastern war, from Barbarossa to Berlin, if you want. Map scale is 10 mile hexes covering the entire eastern front, unit scale is divisions (mostly - some units are sub-divisional).Ĭounter strengths and combat results are tracked down to infantry squads and heavy equipment (tank, artillery piece, truck etc) Now I haven't played WitE2, my comments are based on the original game (and mostly playing the axis side) but: If you are having trouble with UoC2 then I wouldn't recommend War in the East 2, those Grigsby games are absolute beasts.Ĭlick to expand.Everything. Tanks are good for punching through, cutting supply lines and stealing an objective hex left unguarded, but it will be the poor bloody infantry who grind the pockets down. Once they have been suitably weakened you can mop them up easily. Units that are out of supply won't 'heal' suppressed steps during the interturn and will start to lose combat power once they have been cut off for a couple of turns. Supply is key however, protect your own lines of communication and look for opportunities to cut those of your opponent and pocket some of their divisions. Special attacks (feint, set piece or similar) and air-strikes can help also - they might not get kills, but suppression is also good if you have follow-up attacks ready to go later in the same turn (suppressed steps don't contribute to a battle so your odds in the follow up attack will be better).

unity of command 2

You need to be looking for 0:1, 0:2 or similar - see what you can do with units with attached specialist steps (engineers, tanks, artillery) to get better numbers or armoured divisions vs infantry divisions without anti-tank steps or entrenchments. I thought there was more DLC for it, because I remember a Finnish campaign but maybe that was another war/strategy game.ĥ:0 is the predicted losses if you go ahead with the attack (attacker loses 5, defender loses none) - so if you are attacking with those odds, I am not surprised your army is evaporating. To add: I thought I would revisit the first Unity of Command, as well.


But I do not believe I know how to attack well.Īm I even ready for War in the East 2? I liked what I saw in let's play videos, and saw a whole map of Europe being displayed, which makes me think DLC will be included expanding from beyond the eastern front. I only recently finally learned how to attack in Case Blue.


If I see something like 5:0 when I attack, does that mean the defender has 5 strength over the attacker's 0 strength? Can you stack units (it did not seem you could even though arrows could point in that direction)? I looked for a manual on my Steam page for it and could not find one. I'm not sure I quite understand ratios and how they work in this game. Many of my units evaporated when I tried to attack with them. And it seemed I had very few successful attacks. I didn't see where I could play the Allies, so I started a game as the Germans. I've heard Unity of Command 2 was less of a puzzle, so I got that awhile back. I liked the first Unity of Command, but got it in my mind somehow that it was more puzzle like than war game like.

Unity of command 2