Sonic Rush Adventure also features a Battle Mode, where players can either play locally with a friend, or across the world through Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. However, Sonic has different ships, each of which are notably different from Link's steamboat. Similar to The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, the player must plot a path to the next island using the stylus, and then provide limited control over the ship as it travels. At first, Sonic is stranded on Southern Island, but after the construction of the waterbike, he can travel to other islands and explore them.

When Sonic reaches the treasure chest at the end of each level, he will be given a material that can be used for construction of ships and other devices. Pressing Y uses a Super Boost, which will allow him to plow through anything in his path at amazing speed, but drains the Tension Gauge. By pressing the B Button while in the air, Sonic can increase his Tension Gauge by performing aerial tricks.
Sonic's goal through these platform levels is to zip through as quickly as possible. Sonic Rush Adventure is a side-scrolling adventure game, and the sequel to Sonic Rush. With Marine and Tails' help, Sonic sets about to explore the nearby islands.

A local, a raccoon named Marine, informs them that they are on Southern Island. Blaze Legendary Super Mario 21.7K subscribers Subscribe 4.6K Share 229K views 12 years ago SonicRush Blaze This was easily my favorite boss fight in Sonic Rush. While flying in their plane across the ocean, looking for a strange energy source, Sonic and Tails' plane is struck by lightning! They plunge into the murky depths of the ocean.and awaken on a small island.